What Actually Happened in The Woodlands on Mother’s Day

10th of May 2015, people on the other side of the world are already celebrating the Mother’s Day. As announced days before, The Woodlands will be hosting a Mother’s Day Special.

Tribu Bagobo Woodlands

A view of Mount Apo from the resort.

Tribu Bagobo Woodlands 2

As the sun starting to rise, the clouds and fogs clearing up the sky, everybody is getting busy preparing and cleaning up the resort.

The kitchen is full of busy cooks chopping, frying, cooking and all. Some are cleaning the surrounding. I also spent some time getting some floating small objects on the pool which the water is really cold.

As we are cleaning the pool, I had some conversation with one of the staff. Somehow, it makes me understand some deep connections they have. The bond between every staff don’t make The Woodlands just a resort, it’s a home.

That’s why they always keep the surrounding clean and beautiful. You can see flowers and trees and beautiful views of mountains especially Mount Apo and Mount Matutum(not really sure).

Some visitors who stayed over the night starts to pack their things up and starting to leave. Of course, most of them took a cup of coffee to warm their freezing bodies.

As the time passes by, people from the city or somewhere else are coming into the resort. Mothers, lola’s, children, families and group friends were there. I can see the excitement of the kids entering the resort.

Tribu Bagobo Woodlands visitors 2 visitors visitors2 visitors3 visitors4 visitors6 visitors7

As previously announced, mothers are free from the entrance fee and pool fee. The accommodating and jolly faces of the staffs make every visitor special.

Around 11:00 in the morning, the event started. There are numbers of kids who joined the event, some did not (maybe shy). Big smiles and those hyper bodies that don’t even stop from moving, makes me envy with the kids. No big problem in the world.

There are few contests to be held that day, a mini fun run, singing contest and essay writing contest. Gift certificates will be given to the winners. Php 300.00 for the first place. Php 200.00 for the second place and Php 100.00 for the third place in every contest.

These gift certificates can be used to purchase food in the canteen, meals, or souvenirs.

In mini fun run, children are grouped into two, kids and teens. They started form the function hall down the slope near the tents. It’s a 2-round run, from function hall to tent site and back.

First round would be from function hall to the tent site, then from the tent site to the function hall. Then last round same direction. Everybody is excited in this contest. Most of the visitors in the resort are looking at them and taking pictures.

mini fun run

Get ready kids.

As the signal to start goes, kids are bursting their turbo and went zooming into the tent site. And because the resort is in a hillside, they are really fast going down.

mini fun run

Girl on the right, “I can win this!” #FeelingDetermined

mini fun run

Oh, I’m falling behind. They are too fast!


But then, as they hit the mark to return from tent site, the way up is too tiresome. Seems like their turbo went out but some never gave up and kept on running but a bit slow.

mini fun run 4

You can’t beat me girls.

mini fun run

Wait ’till I get there brother!

mini fun run

Run kids. Run.

The other batch for teenagers went the same way.

mini fun run 7

Boy on the right, “what’s wrong with my nails?”

mini fun run 8

Laughing while running, nice buddy.

mini fun run 11


mini fun run 9

Weee. I’m about to win!

mini fun run 10

Never give up.

After the mini fun run, singing contest and essay writing contest happened at the same time.

In singing contest, feeling like they are the queens and kings of music industry, every contestant is giving their best. Just look at their pictures trying to feel the music.

singing contest

This kid is so lovely.

singing contest 1

This girl is really adorable. Promise.

singing contest 3

The voice of the Philippines The Woodlands version.

singing contest 4

Way to go buddy. Nice hairdo.

singing contest 5

Why so serious dude?

In essay writing contest, kids are asked to write about why is their mother the best in the world and why do they want to celebrate the Mother’s Day in The Woodlands. And these are the serious faces of the kids.

essay writing contest 1 essay writing contest 2 essay writing contest

At the end of the event, awarding happened. I know moms are more excited than the kids. Because the prices will surely be given to them, I know. That’s the kind of mom I’ve got when I was at their age. Maybe you can relate, too.

However, not all moms are like that. But whatever their attitude may be, they are still the best moms. Do you agree?

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After the event, everybody is happy going to the souvenir’s shop and canteen.

souvenir shop souvenir shop

On this day, every person in the resort is happy, if not, I’m sure most of them have some awesome time with their families and friends.

happy4 happy3 happy2 happy

From The Woodlands, (Belated) Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers!


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